
We manage your
external attack surface,
so you can be
faster than your hackers

Are you sure you don't expose
critical cyberthreats to the internet?


We continuously check your internet exposed systems with 860 signatures for vulnerabilities and cyberthreats.


of the countless vulnerabilities are actually weaponized in the wild by hackers. We help you priotize so you can fix them first.


of web traffic is now API traffic. We are specialized in finding API risks, but also cover IPv6 & cloud security.

"Defend your company with an offensive mindset and find your security holes before hackers do"

Be faster than your hackers with our services:


Discover your unknows

Are you sure you know all the assets that you expose to the internet? We will map it out for you. Because your unknowns are not unkown to the cybercriminals.


Protect against ransomware

We will alert you when you expose a critical risk so you can fix them before threat actors misuse them.


Managed Service

Attack surface management is complex and a lot of work. Outsource the management of your ASM-tool to us.


Emerging zero-days

Every day we check if there are new imminent threats. We check if you have them exposed.


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